Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Blog about the house we bought to make into our dream home!

Posted by:  That house we bought
Lawn infested with grubs and full of crab grass and weeds

Notice the number of square windows
Built in 2003 this custom built ranch home has a modern minimalist style, split bedroom floor plan, vaulted ceilings and wood floors throughout.  The house is located east of Wichita, Kansas in a Suburban Neighborhood development a few blocks from schools, library and park. 

That house we bought had been vacant for over a year and a half, it was that house in the neighborhood that didn't look like the others. I remember driving by it 2 years ago and commenting to my husband "That house is a mistake" little did I know that I would own that house and be challenged with making it "belong" and hopefully one day have people drive by and say "what a nice house", instead of "that house is a mistake!"

We bought the house in April 2011 it was a foreclosed property owned by Fannie Mae. We put in the offer on the house and it was accepted that day!  Lying in bed that night discussing the house, my husband had a panic moment of  "What did we do, we can't have two house payments"  - "Did me make a mistake, what were we thinking!!" We still have 2 kids to get through college!”  I had panic thoughts of  "What did we do!"   "Can we make this house into a traditional house?" A complete overwhelming since of doom.

As the 3rd owners of this young home it will be a challenge to make this modern home into the traditional home that we want it to be! The large corner lot was in desperate need of attention from the lack of care for a number of years - it was patchy with weeds and crabgrass and would be a challenge to bring back to life and landscape DH (Dear Husband) was willing to tackle the yard and the house remodeling.  

We moved forward and began planning and plotting our remodel.
  Exterior  May 2012 (Lawn improving after lots of work - landscaping to be done in the fall)

Entry (Steel door, house color and trim all the same paint color)
Entry door replaced with a 6 panel fiberglass door, painted black. Trim around sidelights painted white to add contrast to front porch
White gravel in landscape, large plate glass window

Removed the white gravel and added brown mulch, new window!

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